Thursday, April 27, 2006

Easter Pictures 

Here are our Easter pictures on Snapfish. Enjoy!

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Corps chief admits to 'design failure' 

Was Katrina a "man-made" disaster? Here is more evidence that the failure of the 17th street flood wall was caused by a design flaw.
"In the closest thing yet to a mea culpa, the commander of the Army Corps of Engineers acknowledged Wednesday that a 'design failure' led to the breach of the 17th Street Canal levee that flooded much of the city during Hurricane Katrina.
Lt. Gen. Carl Strock told a Senate committee that the corps neglected to consider the possibility that floodwalls atop the 17th Street Canal levee would lurch away from their footings under significant water pressure and eat away at the earthen barriers below.
'We did not account for that occurring,' Strock said after the Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing. 'It could be called a design failure.' "
Full story

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter! 

Cindy and Anthony meet the Easter Bunny in person

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Katrina Photo Restoration 

HP volunteers restored Katrina victims' photos and were featured on the show Extreme Makeover: Home Editition. Read the full story here, and be sure to check out the amazing Before & After photos.

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Friday, April 07, 2006

Sophie's Grades 

Not to be outdone by Thomas, Sophie has turned in a record-breaking report card for this term. She got an A+ for every area of every subject! Can't get much better than that. Here are her grades for Math as an example (click to view larger):

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Award Ceremony 

On Wednesday we attended Thomas's award ceremony for the essay contest. He got second place at Dingeman. There were also several 4th grade winners from the other Scripps Ranch elementary schools, three 8th grade winners from Marshal Middle School, and three 10th grade winners from Scripps Ranch High. Brain Maienschein, our City Councilman, was there to hand out the certificates.

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